Call Center Operations
Call centers have become automated to the point where the initial IVR will answer all calls using a call bot with voice integration in order to assist a caller in reaching an end goal with speech input. In the old days this would require a living operator to answer the call and then physically relay the connection to the requested party. With digital PBX machines it has become extremely efficient when talking about call redirects and the monitoring/analysis of all incoming and outgoing calls. Today the most popular third party proprietary solution is CISCO, as they provide physical PBX machines which are pre defined with extensions and their own code variations. While Cisco is the leader in this industry there are lesser known solutions that are based of the open source asterisk build such as SANGOMA and their FreePBX. All of the aforementioned solutions require a Sip connection to a provider which in turn will require that certain standards be met before pushing a signal over to the PBX machine. What is great about this is that the system has been stream lined so as to allow different standards to interact unlike in the old days where an analogue line would require large PBX setups that would than have physical faults over time and would require physical recordings and much more. This have drastically changed where we even have smart phone (application) integration to allow remote connections to these systems. With the rise of data that is being pushed to these systems it is no wonder that updates are frequent to the software solutions for these new PBX machines.Today any call center would only require one administrator and a physical on site technician in order to retain over a 100 phones. Most call centers that have equipment on site keep their PBX machines on remotely accessible servers while a small minority still house physical machines on site. With more and more of these devices being kept in locations where technicians are available the failure rate has been decreased to manageable levels. It is advised that PBX devices have backup hubs and secondary relays in order to remedy equipment failure and avoid down time.
BardTech offers on site and off site PBX devices and works with its partners to deliver all required equipment to the customer. From new VoIP phone installations, digital software for communication to full scale call center development, BardTech can deliver all required requests for PBX and VoIP equipment and consultancy.
Post was last modified: October 13 2021 02:15:12