Working with CSS
Much of todays websites are responsive in large thanks to CSS 3. If it was not for the implementation of CSS in modern browsers we would still be looking at tables and horizontal rules. I remember the days of blank pages with tables embalished with those ugly thick borders. The days when images were thrown in only if bandwidth would allow. A time when design was a thing used by those that developed using parsed javascript and flash from macromedia. Today things have become much less condensed with actual content and have become more about mobile resposiveness and design. As we croach more into the new decade we are seeing more sites utilize videos on their pages. For some bandwidth is no longer an issue while others still host on shared hosting which limits their bandwidth but that is where css comes in handy. CSS has in a way, completely changed the playing field. Now you can create themes that are completely responsive so as to allow your design to flow on many platforms. It was not so long ago that mobile devices could not even render web pages let alone allow for the things we can do today. CSS has become such an integral part of the design process that it looks like it will only become more complex and beautiful going forward. This website has been designed from the ground up using CSS. We at Bard Tech hope to use the newest methods to deliver some of the most beautiful and innovative designs going forward.Post was last modified: November 24 2021 19:24:25